How Long Term Sitting Affects Professional Drivers
On July 1st the new Hours of Service regulations take effect. The new HOS rules regulates all drivers that carry a CDL, to drive no more than 11 hours a day, after 10 hours off duty. FMCA HOS Regulations
That’s a lot of sitting! Let’s do the math:
If you’re driving 11 hours a day, 6 days a week, as a professional driver, that means you are sitting 66 hours a week. That’s 3,432 hours a year or a total of 143 days a year.
Known as “Autonomic Dysfunction” here are some symptoms of long term sitting:
1.) Weight gain
2.) Blood Clots
3.) Increasing blood/cholesterol levels
4.) Dizziness
5.) Rapid heart rate
Below you will find some simple exercises you can do at your next stop, outside the cab of your truck or during your down time, to help alleviate symptoms:
Perform these quick exercises 3 days a week:
1.) Push-ups: 10 reps, 3 sets
2.) Walking lunges: 10 reps, 3 sets
3.) Jumping Jacks or Jump rope: 20 reps, 3 sets
4.) Body squats: 10 reps, 3 sets
5.) Sit-Ups: 10 reps, 3 sets
Be safe and healthy on the roads!